


brew install libimobiledevice


Utility Description
idevice_id List attached devices or print device name of given device
idevicebackup Create or restore backup for devices (legacy)
idevicebackup2 Create or restore backups for devices running iOS 4 or later
idevicecrashreport Retrieve crash reports from a device
idevicedate Display the current date or set it on a device
idevicedebug Interact with the debugserver service of a device
idevicedebugserverproxy Proxy a debugserver connection from a device for remote debugging
idevicediagnostics Interact with the diagnostics interface of a device
ideviceenterrecovery Make a device enter recovery mode
ideviceimagemounter Mount disk images on the device
ideviceinfo Show information about a connected device
idevicename Display or set the device name
idevicenotificationproxy Post or observe notifications on a device
idevicepair Manage host pairings with devices and usbmuxd
ideviceprovision Manage provisioning profiles on a device
idevicescreenshot Gets a screenshot from the connected device
idevicesetlocation Simulate location on device
idevicesyslog Relay syslog of a connected device



> idevice_id -l


> idevice_id -l | head -n1


~  idevice_id --help
Usage: idevice_id [OPTIONS] [UDID]
Prints device name or a list of attached devices.

  If UDID is given, the name of the connected device with that UDID  will be retrieved.

  -l, --list      list UDIDs of all devices attached via USB
  -n, --network   list UDIDs of all devices available via network
  -d, --debug     enable communication debugging
  -h, --help      prints usage information

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