- 【已解决】Mac中获取iPhone的分辨率宽高等屏幕信息
- 【已解决】Mac中如何获取笔记本的序列号
- 【已解决】扩展Python的facebook-wda源码以返回更新屏幕相关信息
- 【已解决】Python中wda代码报错:Invalid type in JSON write NSConcreteValue
- 【已解决】iOS中ObjC中如何使用CGRect类型的变量
- 【已解决】XCode中wda代码报错:No visible interface for XCUIScreen declares the selector bounds
- 【已解决】Mac中用brew安装最新的libimobiledevice
- 【已解决】Mac中brew install usbmuxd期间./autogen.sh出错:./configure syntax error near unexpected token libplist
- 【已解决】Mac中找不到idevice_id即idevice_id not found
- 【无需解决】Mac中iproxy端口转发连接iPhone6真机失败:Error connecting to device!
- 【未解决】Mac中用facebook-wda操作iOS真机iPhone6
- 【已解决】iPhone中关闭全屏显示的悬浮球
- 移动端自动化测试概览
- iOS自动化测试利器:facebook-wda
- 使用自定义 WDA 服务器 - Appium
- 使用 Python 库 facebook-wda 完成网易云音乐 iOS 客户端的自动化测试 (示例) · TesterHome
- Displays - iOS Device Compatibility Reference
- UIScreen - UIKit | Apple Developer Documentation
- UIDeviceBatteryState - UIKit | Apple Developer Documentation
- UIDeviceBatteryStateUnknown - UIDeviceBatteryState | Apple Developer Documentation
- UIDevice.BatteryState - UIDevice | Apple Developer Documentation
- iOS真机安装WebDriverAgent | Vicの博客
- libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice: A cross-platform protocol library to communicate with iOS devices
- idevice_id command man page - libimobiledevice-utils
- Appium for mac iOS环境配置 - 简书
- ios - How to check device id of iPhone simulator? - Stack Overflow
- Xcode 工具链 - 简书